1. Your privacy is important

Your privacy is important to us. We handle your personal data with integrity, lawfulness, accuracy, and transparency. In this document, our privacy policy, we explain how the processing is done and what personal data is involved.

2. Who is protected by this privacy policy?

This privacy policy applies to all customers and suppliers of Meliopus as well as when you visit our offices, websites; when you are a prospective or former customer of Meliopus or a stakeholder at another organization in contact with us. We encourage you to read this document carefully to understand why and for what purpose we process your personal data. It also details your rights and how you can exercise them. We may update our privacy policy. The most recent version is available on our website http://meliopus.be/. We recommend regularly checking our privacy policy to stay informed of any changes. For more information on privacy laws in Belgium, you can visit www.gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit.be.

3. What does ‘Data Processing’ mean and who is responsible?

Meliopus BV, with registered office at Witteramsdal 68, 1730 Asse, and registered with the KBO under number 0646.821.239 (hereinafter “Meliopus”) is responsible for processing your data. By ‘processing of data’ we mean any processing of personal data. The term “processing” covers, among other things, collecting, recording, organizing, storing, updating, modifying, retrieving, consulting, using, distributing, or making available in any way, combining, archiving, deleting, or ultimately destroying personal data.

4. The leading supervisory authority of Meliopus

For Meliopus, the Belgian Supervisory Authority is the leading authority: Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel, +32 (0)2 274 48 00, contact@apd-gba.be.

5. Why do we want to process your personal data?

Meliopus must comply with legal obligations

We are legally required to process your personal data in certain cases. The most important include:

  • Tax Law
  • Commercial Law
  • We may be required to disclose personal data to authorities or other third parties, for example, if necessary to comply with a legal obligation or for the execution of a public interest task.

Meliopus must be able to fulfill its contract with you

As a customer, you use our services or purchase our products. To ensure the proper execution of our agreement, we must process and manage these contracts administratively, accounting-wise, and operationally. This also applies if you are our supplier. In this case, too, we must honor the contract and process and manage the supplier contracts administratively, accounting-wise, and operationally. When you visit our website, we agree to always provide a properly functioning website. For this purpose, we use the so-called functional cookies.

Meliopus requests your consent

When you first visit our website, we ask for your consent via our cookie banner to place our statistical, marketing, and social media cookies. More information about our cookie policy can be found here. You can withdraw your consent at any time.

Meliopus has a legitimate interest

As a commercial company, we have legitimate interests that form the basis for processing personal data. In doing so, we ensure a good balance between your right to privacy and Meliopus’s legitimate interests. Should you still have objections to the processing based on this ground, you can object to these processes. We process the personal data of prospective data subjects provided to us through a third party under our legitimate interest. New customers for our services are essential for the necessary growth of our company and perfectly match the needs of our prospective customers.

6. What personal data do we process and for what purposes?

From our business relationships

Business relationships include our customers and suppliers. Meliopus processes the personal data of individuals working for companies we do business with. The purpose of this processing is to provide information about the services and to maintain business relationships. To contact and identify you, for our customer and supplier management, we process the following data: name, first name, phone number, and/or mobile number, email address, IP address, and cookies.

From our prospective buyers

Our prospective new customers are interested in our services. Meliopus therefore wishes to keep them informed about its services. To communicate with them, we process the following personal data: name, first name, telephone and/or cell phone number, e-mail address IP address, cookies.

Images from surveillance cameras are temporarily stored

We may use cameras in and around our buildings. If surveillance cameras are used, we comply with legal regulations. You will recognize buildings under surveillance by a clearly visible sticker. Image recordings are stored for a maximum of 30 days. Exceptions to this are:

  • If the recorded images are useful in proving a crime or nuisance
  • To prove a damage
  • To identify a perpetrator, a witness, or a victim

7. Do we sell or transfer your data to third parties?

We do not sell personal data to third parties, nor do we pass it on, unless:

To our legal successors.

We pass your personal data to our potential successors and associated companies (such as subsidiaries and sister companies), if any, for the same purposes as those stated in this privacy policy.

This is necessary for our services.

For some aspects of our services, we work with third parties or engage subcontractors. The transfer of your data happens only for the same purposes as with Meliopus itself. We ensure that they too manage your data securely, respectfully and with good faith.

You give us permission to do so.

If Meliopus were to pass personal data to third parties in other ways, this would happen with explicit communication, explaining to the third party, the purposes of the transfer and processing. Where legally required, we obtain your explicit consent. You always have the possibility to object.

8. What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

You have many rights regarding the processing of your personal data. We implement your rights in our systems and procedures within 30 days of receiving your request. If for any reason this deadline cannot be met, we will inform you before the expiry of the original period.

Right to access your personal data

You have the right to access the personal data we process about you, the purpose of the processing, where we obtained the data and who receives the data. In this case, you can also learn how long we store the data, whether the data is used for automated decision-making and whether we intend to send the data to a country outside the European Union. We will provide you with the requested information in writing or electronically within a reasonable period.

Right to rectification or completion of your personal data

It may happen that the data we process about you is not (no longer) correct. You can always ask to have the data corrected or supplemented with the missing data.

Right to erasure of your personal data

If you believe that we are processing personal data unlawfully, you can ask to have this personal data erased. This request for erasure of personal data may be refused by Meliopus if it is justified. Examples include exercising or substantiating a legal claim or due to a legal obligation to retain certain data.

Right to restrict personal data

You can ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data if you suspect that the data is inaccurate, the processing is unlawful or if you disagree with us processing the data based on our legitimate interest. We will comply with this objection unless there are compelling reasons not to do so, such as preventing fraud or non-payment. .

Right to object

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, including profiling. The processing will then be stopped, unless it is necessary for compliance with social and tax legislation, to protect the interests of a third party, or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

Right to data portability

You can contact us to request the transfer of the personal data you have provided to us to a third party.

Right to file complaint

If you disagree with our stance, you can turn to the Belgian Data Protection Authority. You can also file a complaint there. The contact details are Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, contact@apd-gba.be.

Identification of the applicant

You can exercise your rights regarding the processing of your personal data subject to a written request by letter to the address Witteramsdal 68, 1730 Asse. Always be as specific as possible when exercising your rights to ensure we can handle your request correctly. To prevent someone else from exercising your rights, we want to verify your identity as accurately as possible. Therefore, the request must always be accompanied by a document proving that the applicant’s identity matches yours. This can be done by including a copy of your identity card to the request. Be sure to black out your photo and identity card number (etc.) to protect your privacy. If we consider the submitted document to be insufficient proof, we will inform you. We reserve the right not to comply with the request until sufficient proof is provided.

9. How long do we retain your personal data?

We may not retain personal data longer than necessary to achieve the purpose for which we collect it. The retention period can therefore vary depending on the purpose, such as complying with our legal obligations or the legal necessity to retain certain data as evidence in disputes. These archived data are, of course, only accessible to a limited extent. We retain the personal data of our customers and prospects up to 15 years after the last contract or contact. After the applicable retention period(s) expires, personal data will be anonymized.

10. How do we secure your data?

Meliopus BV makes every effort to optimally secure your personal data and guarantee your privacy against unlawful use. Our employees are trained to handle confidential data correctly. We do this through physical, administrative, organizational, and technical measures. If and to the extent that data is provided to data processors who provide services or perform assignments on our behalf, we have agreed with these service providers that they will also optimally secure the personal data. If you suspect that the interaction with the website is no longer secure, please notify us immediately. We are committed to doing everything in our power to protect your personal data and privacy.

11. Cookies

Meliopus uses cookies on the website www.meliopus.be. These are small information files stored on the device with which you visit our website, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone. When we refer to “cookies” hereafter, we also mean other similar techniques. Cookies make it possible to recognize your web browser. This is useful, because then you don’t have to enter your data repeatedly, set your preferences or adjust your settings. This way, we can also make our website work better, gain insight into visitor behavior on the website and allow other parties to gain insight into your surfing behavior so they can show personalized ads across multiple websites and omit non-relevant ads. Cookies do not compromise the security of your computer. We use functional, analytical, and marketing cookies. Except for functional cookies (necessary for the proper functioning of our website), we ask for your permission before placing these small information files. You can find more information about which cookies we use, how long we keep them, and how you can manage them in our cookie statement.